A Story Of Asparagus
This week we are celebrating our one year anniversary of moving into our farmhouse. As you know, I'm a big nature lover and foodie fan and i so excited when I finally had a garden of our own.
Last summer I set about experimenting with veggies and seeing what would grow. I planted kale, chard, salad leaves, brussle sprouts, beans and potatoes.
We had a fantastic growing season and the harvest was beautiful. I was happy to find that not only was I a nature lover, but also had 'green fingers.'
We saw results in days from our mixed salad leaves.
In the business world, they would be a 'get rich quick' entrepreneur.
Fast results, but easy to all get destroyed because the foundations aren't solid.
I wanted a pretty solid food supply to feed my guys and I, and I knew what veggies would grow quickly. I was in for instant garden gratification.
Here's the thing, I also love asparagus and I began to grow this too.
But asparagus is a very different vegetable all together. It takes three years before it can be harvested.
Asparagus is not for the speedy gardener.
If asparagus was an entrepreneur it would be the one who takes time to grow and nurture their community, who builds solid foundations on developing the leader and their mindset, skill set and action set, and takes daily consistent and inspired action to grow and strengthen, and flourish when the time is right. They are in it for the long journey because what they do comes from the soul.
So my question for you is who do you want to be, the mixed leaves or the asparagus of the business world?
Sarah x
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