Giving Up Before Striking Gold

Have you ever wondered why some coaches fulfil their dreams and others give up soon after they begin or when they are just a few feet from striking gold? 

Are the successful ones naturally more relentless, resilient, and remarkable when it comes to achieving the financial and time freedom they desire through their coaching business? Or is it something that they do differently that gets them the results.

Did you know that we all have the power to tap into your ‘business brain’s’ innate potential to target and realise what you desire.  

But, here’s the thing. I recently conducted a survey that was aimed at speaking with female knowledge-based coaches who were desiring to reach 6-figure in their business within the next 12 months. A very specific goal, right?

One really surprising thing was that half of them that responded said that they said they wanted to be the woman with the dream of a 6-figure business, but when we dug deeper they didn’t actually have a specific figure in mind. They had a dream, but not a goal. These are two very different things. 

Dreams without goals can make our brain feel very happy.

We can dream, meditate, and vision on all day of the life we want, but if we haven’t stepped into the role of that woman who has the 6-figure business in our mind then that is all it will be, a wonderful dream.

What is happening between your two ears is that the brain is floundering and you have no where to focus your attention, no way to know what money mindset growth needs to happen and what skills and actions need to be taken to make that freedom a reality.

When you are employed you start and finish work at set times, you have regular breaks, you do the work required to get paid a certain amount, and if you're conscientious you may even do that little bit more and possibly get paid overtime. 

The mindset of an entrepreneur is very different.

We have to deal with our money stories, blocks, habits - most of these we don't even know we have.

We have to have self-confidence and an unshakeable belief that they can achieve something even in times of adversity or when the thing they want is not yet tangible. 

There’s also other personal traits like perseverance, patience and optimism.

We have to learn structures and systems and wear multiple hats - the marketing boss, the sales boss, the copywriter, the accountant, the tech specialist. We also have to be comfortable taking calculated risks, both personal and financial. It's a steep and uncertain learning curve on the way to 6 figures, and this is why many coaches give up before they have really even begun.

Other coaches think that the external world is out to destroy their dreams - a recession, a natural disaster - when really it’s the inner work, the money mindset  and the entrepreneurial that need to happen before anything else. And this is why my programme The Neuro-business Academy is the only mindset led, brain science backed programme for coaches in the world.

So, if you are struggling to find clients then I invite you to get clear with whom do you want to work, and then ask yourself what is your story about being a coach for those people?

If you think selling is a problem then I invite you to take a step back and ask yourself, ‘how do I feel about selling?’ If there is even the tiniest bit of uncomfortableness or ickiness around even the thought of a sales conversation then it’s your brain telling you that it is putting on the brakes.

If you think marketing is your biggest problem then my question to you would be ‘do you really know your client inside out, better than they know themselves.’ 

I teach the Neuroscience of Sales and Marketing in The Neuro-Business Academy. We dive deep into what is holding you back when it comes to sales and marketing and also the reasons why your client won't buy from you. Here’s one important point. It’s never about the money. As my coach says, ‘Money is only an issue when value is a mystery.’

I leave you today with lots of food for thought and 3 questions for your journal.

  1. Where are you directing your attention in your business right now?

  2. Where are you setting your intention?

  3. What’s your crystal clear vision of success? 

Don’t be one of those coaches that gives up right before striking gold.

If you need support then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Sarah x

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Sarah Asquith-Vallance