What’s Holding You Back From Going Bigger?
Today I want to talk about goals. More specifically, about setting much bigger goals than you though you could ever possibly achieve. That Brain-Based Empowered Goal that you know will change everything dramatically and for the better.
The fact that you are reading this message from me means you are likely interested or at least curious about moving past your current reach or impact in business, to really stretch and create bigger results.
Einstein said "'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." Yet, I see so many talented business women doing just this, so what is going on?
What I've discovered from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years is that business owners can be very hesitant to set big stretch goals. I’ve seen it over and over again that we want to achieve great things but we are actually still 'playing small'.
I’ve narrowed down this resistance to 4 reasons:
The fear of failure if they didn't achieve their goal. What would my friends, family, neighbours think? "I would be embarrassed and feel like a failure". So it's better not to set a stretch goal, right? This keeps them focused on building their business in incremental steps, rather than big leaps. Here's the thing. It really is none of your business what anyone else thinks. You can not change their thoughts and so dream big.
They can't 'see' how it could actually happen when it's just them. They haven't yet experienced what they want so they find it hard to step into that mindset. They just can't see how they can reach a 2x goal or a 5x goal. We have to be able to hold that vision for ourselves before we see it in reality.
They believe that they would have to work too hard or longer hours to achieve it. Many believe that More clients = More time and for us busy ladies that does not sound like the best plan we have ever had and so our brain puts on the brakes and we don't take action.
They feel alone with the idea of getting it done. Even if they have personal and/ or business support, everything rests on them at the end of the day, so how could they reach even two times a bigger goal? It just seems so overwhelming. Over whelm is linked to fear and when we feel fear we do not take action even when we know we have community and support.
Ask yourself these questions about where you are perhaps resisting creating a Brain-Based Empowered goal.
Is it that you can't see how you would get it done?
You don't know how you would reach a 2x to 5x stretch goal?
Would you see yourself having to work too hard to make it happen?
Would you feel too overwhelmed in making it happen?
Would you be embarrassed if you didn't reach your goal?
Grab your journal and take some time to think about this and get your unedited answers down on paper where you can see them. It may surprise you want you uncover.
It is absolutely possible for you to grow your business while regaining your life. You can experience much much bigger results, when you know the steps to get you there faster.
You may feel alone right now, but you don't have to be. Reach out today and book a free call with me to speak about your big business goals.
I’d love to help you with setting your goals and giving you the support you need to reach them.
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