The 7 Brain & Money Mindset Secrets Every Woman Entrepreneur Needs to Know.
The Golden Brain by James P Graham
Hello lovely,
Today I want to tell you a story.
When I set up my first business almost 20 years ago I was looking for advice, and it was around this time of the year. The advice I received was that I should expect December to be a slow month.
This was way before I had even thought about how important money mindset is in business. So I believed what they told me. Guess what? Yes, It was slow, but it wasn’t actually true. But in my brain I had taken in that belief from someone I looked up to, and I had believed their story and it became my self-fulfilling prophecy.
But then in the new year I spoke with other entrepreneurs and found that for them this wasn’t the case for them. December for them had been ok to actually really great. It wasn’t a common belief. I was kicking myself.
I looked into my brain science background and found out why this had happened. Then the penny dropped and I realised that my thoughts had become my beliefs and my beliefs had become my reality. I decided to turn everything around and really take control of my own business and most importantly my own mindset. Someone else’s reality is not going to be my reality any more.
I ramped up my money mindset work. I began thinking how a successful woman entrepreneur thinks. I got even clearer on my business. I harnessed back in my ‘Big Why’. Simply, I took charge and went all in.
That was when everything changed. I was over the moon.
However, as the months went on some weren’t so profitable as others. I was wondering what I was done wrong? I had my business structures and systems in place. So what was going on?
The answer was my mindset.
At Every New Level There Is A New Devil.
The fun thing about mindset work is that although it happens in one of the greatest superpowers of all time, our brain. The truth is (to a greater or lesser extent) we are all creatures of habit. But for some of us, the successful entrepreneurs, we also have the mental capacity and ability for flexibility, and we use it.
Here’s what I mean. Once we up level our mindset it becomes our ‘new norma'l’. After a period of ‘wobbliness and uncertainty’ our brain becomes happy with this and this then becomes our new level of mindset.
Each time we think about stepping outside of our ‘new normal’ our brain gets scared.
Our brain wants to keep us safe.
It’s working to it optimum energy efficiency and it’s happy how it is, thank you very much. Why on earth does it want to change?
Well, it doesn’t. Your brain wants safety. Your brain doesn’t want success.
And here’s another brain fact. Your subconscious brain is also at play here. It’s running a money story to keep you in this place.
Here’s what it may say.
“Who do you think you are wanting more money? You don’t need that.”
“Who are you to earn so much?”
“What will people think of you if you had that much money?”
However, in order for you to get to your next financial income level you can’t use your existing money mindset.
At every new level there is a new devil. You have to do the work again, and again and again.
But here’s where the wonder of our brain and neural plasticity comes into play. Every time we up-level to a ‘new normal’ we do this by literally tweaking the neural pathways in our brain as we begin to tell ourselves a new money story.
I had realised that I didn’t really BELIEVE I could earn the amount of money I wanted to. I needed to up-level my money story again.
'“YOU will only earn the WORTH of who you THINK you are.”
Sarah Asquith-Vallance (Neuroscientist & The Brain Whisperer)
Money Mindset Issues Can Be Different For Women Entrepreneurs
I love working with women entrepreneurs because the mindset of an entrepreneur is so different from those in the muggle world (the non-entrepreneurs). And even the money mindset of entrepreneurial women is different to entrepreneurial men.
I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. We have all been brought up believing a different and very money story that is pertinent to only you. But no matter how good or bad this is, we as women have also subconsciously imbibed a story of what it is to be a woman. What it is to be a woman in entrepreneurship and leadership (and remember ladies, that is what we all are.)
The reasons can be debated, but one of the most obvious societal stories is that women have not been in charge of money for a long time.
Not so long ago they didn’t have any access to money, couldn’t get a loan and often we had no income of our own. We stayed at home to raise our children, we took part time work to accommodate school times and we often relied on our husband’s/ partners to ‘provide for us.’
We see the results of this still today where most investors and wealthy individuals are men. With very few female role models it’s no wonder that we doubt our own ability to earn our own money.
But if you are thinking, I don’t have this problem, then I want to tell you a few things too. At the age of 18 I was studying and working 5 part time jobs. I was busy. I loved making money. It was easy.
Nor did I didn’t have a problem making money when I was a business consultant and was involved in running other people’s businesses. I NEVER had a money mindset issue then.
It all started when I founded my own business in my own name. It was all on me to pay the business expenses, figure everything out, negotiate deals and on and on.
Then suddenly I had major issues with the money mindset.
The Seven Brain Science & Money Mindset Scerets
Today I want to offer you just a few of my money mindset lessons that I have learned over the last 20 years of working for myself.
1. First and foremost, EVERYTHING comes down to mindset. Mindset is key to making money. You have to believe in your very soul that you can make money from being you. From your skills, knowledge and universal given talents.
2. Mindset is key to entrepreneurship. Forget the structures, systems, marketing funnels and social media posts. These will waste your time and none of these will work unless your money and success mindset is in the right place. From there I can also tell you that there is no right or wrong way to make money, so please don’t get caught up on the cursed how’s to’s of the marketing and sales world. When your mindset is right you will instinctively know what works for you.
3. Learn what is going on in your head. When you learn the brain science of your brain everything you do or don’t do, the results you get or don’t get, the goals you achieve or miss by a mile will then all make sense. From there you can shift your mindset in a second.
4. Tenacity. When somebody tells you something is difficult, what do you do?
NEVER give up. Being a woman entrepreneur means you have to have the tenacity to keep going, you have to be persistent, logical, methodical, clear on your goals and go for them with laser sharp focus.
5. Persistence. When things are not working out as you expected, what do you do?
NEVER give up. Try things out and if they work do them again, and if they don’t work, don’t do them again. Always stay focused on your ‘Big Why’.
There’s no overnight success, but persistence wins.
6. Learn to trust your intuition. Remember the last time you had a ‘gut feeling’. You have a particular type of brain cell that is also found in your gut. Your gut and your brain really do talk to each other. Learn to listen to those feelings in your body and those hunches you get. They are powerful messages.
7. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can make more money. Believe that you can build a successful business. Believe that you can also make lots of money when others don’t.
You can do this!
Love Sarah x
I invite you today to really look at your money story. You may know yours and be working on improving it every day. If this is you then keep going but remember at every new level there is a new devil.
If you aren’t making the money you desire in your business and know something is holding you back then I invite you to sit quietly with your journal today as see if you can uncover your current money story. Once your money story is uncovered you can then take steps to change it.
You've known for some time that a personal transformation is needed for you to grow your business, income and impact.
So, perhaps we should talk?
If you are finding you have a difficult relationship and beliefs around money that are holding you back in your business then I invite you to get in touch for a FREE call with me.
Let’s begin the conversation to get you on the right track by harnessing your superpower, your brain, to increase your potential, possibilities and profits in your business today.