The Neuroscience of Money Mindset

Would you be surprised to hear that the #1 reason you aren’t making the money you desire is because you are getting in your own way and you don’t even realise it?

Have you always dreamed of building a business that allows you to live a life filled with freedom, security, fulfilment and happiness? But, despite your hopes and dreams, do you have a nagging feeling you can’t seem to shake off and a little voice that says other people can do this but not you?

The good news is that all of this can change.

You can change your limiting beliefs and break through the self-imposed glass ceiling if you’re willing to do the necessary work on your mindset and literally reprogramme your brain for success. It goes without saying that in order to change the thoughts and beliefs, we must first learn how the brain actually works. So let’s get right into my favourite subject - neuroscience.

Our brain is mostly hard wired between the ages of 2 -7 years old by constant repetition into neural circuits and this happens for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it keeps us from having to constantly get outside our comfort zone, which keeps our brain feeling safe and also not have to reinvent the wheel every day, which makes our brain energy efficient.

However, just because it’s hard wired doesn’t mean it can not be changed, and here is where I want to introduce you to the concept of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, put simply, means that our brain can be changed and moulded by the ability to rewire our neural pathways. Each belief we have about ourselves has it’s own pathway. We have a pathway for sales, one for client attraction, another for belief in ourselves as a successful entrepreneur and yes, there’s one for money too. The are as many ‘business brain’ pathways as there are beliefs about ourselves.

It was long believed that all it took to change our money mindset was to meditate, visualise and say affirmations, but the truth is that is only part of the story. By doing these activities you are working on the conscious part of your brain, the part that knows it’s not true that all wealthy people are bad and talking about money is wrong. However, the part of your brain you need to do the work on is your subconscious. This is the part of the brain that runs 90% of the show and it’s filled with the old beliefs and thoughts, and it needs considerably more work.

It’s wonderful when people just starting their entrepreneurial journey work on their mindset alongside setting up their structures and systems, because they are giving themselves a fantastic gift that so few people in business realise the importance of. I also come across 6 and 7 figure business owners who say they have done the mindset work. But but let me assure you, this work does not end. You may have the neural pathways of a 7-figure business owner, but you don’t yet have them for an 8-figure one.

The fundamental psychological difference between people who struggle to make money or keep money or to be financially consistent and meet their money goals every time and those who are financially successful or appear to have money come from nowhere is belief. Financially successful people truly believe it is possible and they do whatever it takes by engaging in the money mindset work that will afford them that financial success. If your brain is wired to believe that you can only reach a certain level of financial success then it won’t matter how many affirmations you say, you will always hit your self-imposed financial glass ceiling, live hand to mouth or be in debt at the end of every month.

Now, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the four steps I use with my clients to help them begin to re-programme their brains for financial success.



The first requires you to pay close attention to your thoughts and language you use when you speak to yourself and to others about money. The words you choose to apply to particular things is a great indicator as to how you feel about them.


After noticing your thoughts and beliefs, put pen to paper and write them down. You will soon observe a pattern and also notice if these beliefs are actually your own or do they really belong to friends, family, teachers etc. and you have picked them up.


Next, you must make the realisation that what you are saying and thinking is not true. It is just a thought, it is just a neural pathway. Write down your new truth - the financial and abundant normal you desire. Make a conscious decision to release your old beliefs and language that no longer serve you.


Decide that you are going to commit to doing the work every single day. It has been found that it takes 67 days for an old belief to be erased and replaced by a new one, so the key to this is repetition, repetition, repetition.

I really hope this blog post helped you better understand your brain and the neuroscience behind your money mindset, and that you’re looking forward to implementing the four steps I have shared.

If you’re wanting to dive deeper into your money mindset work, I recommend taking my Money Mindset Method course! It’s a 12 week step-by-step private coaching course where you’ll learn how to remove money blocks, transform your relationship with money, make more money and up-level your business and life. 

Love Sarah x

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Sarah Asquith-Vallance