Your Brain, Beliefs & Big Goals

Today I want to talk about goals. Not the ‘I would like… goals,’ more specifically, about setting bigger goals. The ones that make you feel a little scared when you think about them…but in a good in exciting way.

If you are reading this then I guess you are at least a little curious about moving past your current situation or impact in your business, to really stretch, serve more and create bigger results for yourself and your clients.

Einstein said   “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” We know that if you do more of the same in your business you will get the same result. If you’d like to achieve newer or bigger results in your business, then you must strive higher.

However, I hear you saySarah, it’s just not that easy. If it was I would have already achieved it.”

My response is “ hurray! You are on the way to achieving those goals.” You have recognised that there are some blocks for you.

The idiom go big or go home is an exhortation to go all-out, to put all of one's effort into an enterprise, to experience something to it’s fullest. This philosophy encourages one to be bold in the game of business.

What I've discovered over and over again from working with hundreds of soul-led entrepreneurs over the years is that business owners can be very hesitant to set big stretch goals. So often they will take the first step of working together transform their mindset and grow their business, but when we begin to do so, they find themselves in massive resistance.

Have you ever felt like this too?  

I’ve narrowed down this mindset of resistance down to our beliefs about ourselves and what we can achieve from our businesses. Here are the top to 4 reasons:

1. “I just can’t see how this could actually happen for me.”

This is because most people try to have it all figured out and of course this feels impossible and scares them into not taking action.
So when you think it’s impossible then it will be. Our brain loves the safety of the known. The trick is to reverse engineer your big goals. By doing this you can easily reach your 2X goal or even a 10X goal and train your brain at the same time.

2. “I will have to work longer hours and I just don’t have the time. I’ll have no life.”

Perhaps you're at a place right now where you feel overcommitted and overwhelmed by doing so many things already.

Our brain likes efficiency and ease, if it believes you are adding more to an already busy system it will rebel. The belief that “more clients equals more problems and less time” keeps so many business owners playing small and not even considering the possibility of something different.

3. “I can’t do this alone / I can do this alone.

The truth is that the nature of the entrepreneur is to have lots of ideas, start things and not finish them. They often feel alone with the idea of getting it done. This is where combining mindset, skill set and action set comes into play. You don’t need to do it alone and not should you. The most successful people didn’t go it alone and they all, to this day, still have mentors. The belief of doing it alone will keep you stuck, doing more of the same, instead of going for exponential growth.

4. “I feel embarrassed about what others would think if I didn't actually reach my goal.”
With this in mind many people don’t take their goal any further than this mindset and it keeps people building their business in incremental steps, rather than big jumps.

It’s human nature to think this way and want to be accepted.
I think I’ve said this to several times this week to clients. “It’s none of your business what other people think about you. They will think what they think. You must stay true to yourself.”
To step out from the ‘norm’ will make you stand out, this is the way to reach your goals. 

So, having said all of that, with a massive, bigger stretch goal in mind, grab your journal and work your way through these mindset questions.

• Is it that you can't see how you would get it done?

• You don't know how you would reach a two to five times stretch goal?

• Would you see yourself having to work too hard to make it happen?

• Would you feel too alone and overwhelmed in making it happen?

• Would you be embarrassed if you didn't reach your goal?

Take some time to think about these and get your unedited answers down on paper. It’s important to record how you feel now, so you can revisit these pages after you’ve set those big goals AND accomplished (or even surpassed) them.

It is absolutely possible for you to start and grow your business to £8k per month while living a life of freedom and staying out of overwhelm.
You can dream bigger and experience much much bigger results, when you know what to do to get there faster.

You really do not have to do it all alone. I’m here to help with your mindset, skill set and the action set so you reach and surpass every goal you can conceive for your business.

Reach out today and book a call with me for a free conversation about your business.

I’d love to help you with setting your goals and giving you the support you need to reach them.

Sarah Asquith-Vallance