Sarah Asquith-Vallance

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Three Reasons Why You Aren’t Making More Money.

Today I’d love to talk about a conversation I have over and over with entrepreneurial women. This is how the conversation tends to go. “I’m working really hard to market my business, I’m spending money and putting in hours that I could be spending with my family, but I’m not seeing results and I feel guilty and frustrated. You know what, I thought I could do this but I can't. I feel like a failure.”

Does any of that sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, I’ve been through that too.

As with every business there may be tweaks that are needed to be made. It may be the clarity of the message, a shift in ideal client or the structure of the business model.

Yes, we all need the skill set and the action set in our business, but there is one key piece that will trump every system and strategy out there.

Do you know what it is?

Yes, you guessed it, it’s mindset. And that’s why the work I do with female entrepreneurs has a mindset of money and success and the brain science of business at the heart of everything we do. 

I hear what you are saying “But Sarah I do the visualisations and meditations and I still don’t get the results.” But the truth is that they are only a small part of mindset work. What you have to do is train your business brain for financial success, and to do that takes a very specific process that I teach in my programme: The Empowered Mind Method.

In order for you to have that £100k a year business you have to remove the neural pathways in your brain of unworthiness or the deep belief that it’s meant for others but not for you. And then replace them with a new money story and belief about yourself as an entrepreneur who achieves that goal.

Your subconscious mind will ALWAYS override your conscious mind.

And here’s the THREE reasons why:

1) Your brain wants to keep you alive.

You have made it this far in life and been ok, so why on earth would your brain want to take that big scary step into the unknown of up-levelling in business.

2) Your brain wants to keep you pain free.

This could be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain. Starting and growing a business causes the brain to become subconsciously fearful and it’s perceived as pain. We are stepping into the unknown. When your brain is fearful, no amount of mantras or meditations are going to change that.  

3) Your brain wants to be as energy efficient as possible.

Changing your mindset and developing new neural pathways of success takes a lot of glucose, a lot of energy. When we ask our brain to do this it becomes very reluctant and we as individuals revert back to the path of least resistance, which is to do nothing, don’t change a thing.

As entrepreneurs our subconscious brain is happier to keep us “stuck” even though our conscious brain wants us to succeed.  This is because our subconscious mind runs over 90% of the decisions we make in our businesses every single day.

This is why you THINK you are doing everything you can to increase your profits and purpose by putting in place and shifting structures and systems. But really a big part of your brain is putting on the brakes.

This is the part that you need to work on. You need to believe without a doubt in your conscious AND subconscious mind that you are the woman who achieves all your goals, before you ever see the money in the bank.

The solution:

1) Be really honest on how you REALLY see yourself. 

Just as you need to know your ideal client better than they know themselves, so you need to know your pains, fears, frustrations, needs, wants and aspirations.

2) Realise that the change in mindset won't happen overnight.

Depending on the depth of our beliefs or our money story this work can take between 67 days to 365 days to remove an old belief pathway and replace it with a new, more serving new one of worthiness, deservingness and clarity. Our brain loves repetition and so this work must be done daily. 

This work is more subtle, yet more powerful than you think. Bring to mind a successful woman entrepreneur that you admire. Her success and results will not be from luck, it will be down to training her brain for financial success. This work is done daily by the top three percent of women entrepreneurs do and you can join them too.

Now that you know how that works, you can take action and give yourself and your business every chance of success, making the income and impact you deserve. I truly hope you do, and challenge you to try it yourself!

You might also want to ask yourself if your business would benefit from more insights like this. What about the skill set that could double or triple your revenues? What about the action set that gives you clarity and confidence to set your goals and achieve them? How would it feel to be supported and hold you accountable as you take steps in your new plan of action?

Would they make a difference to you and your business? 

If there’s even an inkling of you saying ‘yes’, book a free call with me directly at a time of your convenience. 

© 2023 Sarah Asquith-Vallance. All Rights Reserved.

Sarah Asquith-Vallance is a neuroscientist and business coach who helps talented and educated women start and grow a thriving online business with consistent clients, cash flow and confidence without overwhelm, and still have the freedom they desire through her proven brain science backed step-by-step programmes The Neuro-Business Academy and The Empowered Mind Method

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