Sarah Asquith-Vallance

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Are You happy With Your Niche?

Have you ever looked at other coaches and had niche envy?

You look at them and think I could do that, what have I done? I chose this niche but now I'm stuck with it.

 But here’s the thing. This is just a belief and our beliefs make our identity, so what we have to do is transform this old belief of feeling stuck in a business niche that is not serving you emotionally or financially into a new belief and identity of who we want to show up in the world. You don’t have to be pigeon holed.


If this is you then keep listening because today I'm going to help you solve this problem and tell you how.


I have coaches who work with me who are in exactly the same situation. They come to me to learn how to grow their business in a particular coaching niche only to find that when we work together to get clarity around how they want and how to move forwards, then their niche can change.

Switching niches doesn’t make you a bad coach or a flakey person. When I first began coaching my niche was in health, because that was my background. However, while I was trying to grow my health coaching business I took a job as a business consultant and I loved it. So much so I went into partnership with my boss and grew my company to one of the best in the North West of England.

Initially, some people had thought I was crazy to change what I was doing. Others thought I had wasted my education. But I knew this was the path I had to take.


A few years later I moved from business consulting and into business coaching. Spreadsheets and finding funding had set me on my path but I found that what I enjoyed more was helping someone transform into who they desired to be and to empower women’s financial independence through coaching. I love to see the personal transformation and growth we as entrepreneurial women go through as we step into who we desire to be.

 For me it was a signal that I'd grown and learned and was ready for more.

Could I have changed my niche earlier?... Yes and no… Yes of course I could, I could have changed at any time. But no, I had so many mental blocks stopping me from even considering it earlier in my business life.

 I learned to train my brain for success and part of that was getting clarity, following my intuition and said ‘yes’ to what lights me up. It turned out to be THE best decision I ever made.


Ideally, you want a niche that gives you unlimited potential to grow and scale the number of people you serve, and has no glass ceiling in how much you can make. 

 You can be a boutique business or an empire, it’s what feels right to you that matters. Importantly you want YOUR niche to allow you to fully express all of your gifts as a coach and as a person.

My gifts are that I have infinite patience, I unapologetically ask direct questions, I don’t get involved with drama and my superpower is having the ability to see through a problem and transform the situation.

Take some time today to identify your gifts and ask yourself if you are able to use them in your current business?


If you’ve been thinking you may need to switch into a new niche, don’t worry because it’s easier than you think – let me show you how:

#1 Be brave enough to acknowledge that what you are niching in is not working for you and step away

Don’t keep hanging on to it because you feel you ‘should’, or because YOU can see so much need for it. I see so many coaches and entrepreneurs holding themselves back because they are scared to admit not that it isn’t working, but that they are scared to walk through the door to the next phase of their lives. Better the devil you know, right?

Here’s an example: I have worked with health coaches who felt they needed to move away from working with clients, take that step further along their business path, and begin to teach other health coaches how to grow their business. It's a massive leap in mindset and belief to do this, but it's so important to claim who you truly are.


#2 Don’t make switching niches mean anything negative about yourself

It’s perfectly okay to have a ‘starter niche’, and switching doesn’t make you anything other than you taking another step along the path of business success.

We are trained from a very young age at school that we have to decide what we are going to do in life, and often for the rest of our lives. The qualifications we achieve funnel most of us into careers that 10 years later and thousands of pounds spent on education we find that we are unhappy.

The joy of being your own boss is that you get to make decisions and change your mind to suit you and your needs. It’s ok to try things out, see what works, and leave behind what doesn’t.

That’s called learning and growing, which is what we coaches are amazing at doing.


#3 Let you community be the first to know

Many of my clients inside my Neuro-Business Academy are there because they’re switching niches, or adding neuroentrepreneurship coaching to their existing business. I’m often asked, “How do I introduce my new niche to my existing list/clients?”


The last time I made a niche shift I announced it through a series of emails. Your list is there because they want to hear from you and love learning from you, so make a special announcement to them, letting them know you’re excited to be heading in a new direction, and you’re looking forward to taking them with you.

Remember, not everyone will stay on your list and that’s ok. They will leave with love and make space for a new wave of people who want to hear what you have to say.

It’s also a great moment to invite people into a conversation with you to talk about how you can help them with their problem you’re solving for your new niche. 

For example:

“Did you know that I love coaching women entrepreneurs, teaching them how to think like successful entrepreneurs and helping them charge what they’re worth? 

This is an exciting new direction I’m taking in my coaching business! I believe supporting women to be successful in their business can impact themselves, their families and world in so many powerful and positive ways, and I’m thrilled to have you join me in this new direction.  You can reach out to me at and we’ll schedule a complimentary Brainstorming Session.”

Switching niches can be one of the most powerful catalysts to suddenly go from floundering to financial success (it was for me!)

There are times when we have to let go of the past in order to move toward the future. Saying yes to a new niche may be exactly what you need to become a 6-figure coach with a thriving business filled with financial and time freedom that I know you want.


Sarah x

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